Weblink Express Order

Advertise your company in our Weblink Directory

List your company and services under applicable categories of our Weblink Directory for only $2800.00 for an entire year! Be seen by thousands of companies shopping for the services that you provide.

Weblink Directory listings include your color logo, a description of your product/service, phone/fax numbers, multiple links to your website and/or e-mail address, and inclusion in our RFP/Email program.

CLASSIFICATION(Check only the services that your company provides.)
To avoid receiving unwanted RFP/emails, please check the boxes for only those categories applicable to the core services you provide, and those that you actually wish to solicit.
(Check any of the following specific 3PL services you provide.)
Trucking(Check only the services you provide as a trucking company with owned/leased equipment.)
(to/from points within the U.S.)
(to/from points within Canada and/or between the U.S. and Canada)
(to/from points within Mexico and/or between the U.S. and Mexico)
Check only the states/provinces where you own/lease warehouse facilities. Selecting any of these state categories will generate a second page of service specific categories to select from once this page of the form has been submitted.
Central States:
Northeast States:
Southern States:
Western States:
Related Services
DESCRIPTION  (Click here for help/advice on completing this section)
Does your business cater to a particular region?
It is strongly recommended to include regional words or phrases in your description, such as the names of cities and states/provinces where you provide services.
I am authorized to provide this information and it is correct to the best of my knowledge.
Enter your credit card information. For verification purposes include the address where you receive the credit card statement. Your card will be billed a one time charge of $2800.00 U.S. for a one year listing.
(What's this?)